FISU Technical Committee Chair Melanie Sanford (left), Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games Chief Operating Officer Alexis Schäfer (right) along with their team at the Merkur Spiel-Arena in Düsseldorf.

10.10.2022 | Kategorie: FISU Games , Volleyball , FISU Games 2025

FISU impressed with Merkur Spiel-Arena

The iconic multi-functional Merkur Spiel-Arena in Düsseldorf that will host the Opening Ceremony and Volleyball competition of the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games, received a thumbs up from the FISU Technical Committee Chair Melanie Sanford.

Along with the Arena, the FISU team also concluded their first round of technical inspection of the training venues for Volleyball – Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium, Toni Turek Realschule, Max-Planck Gymnasium and Justus von Liebig Realschule.

“After spending three days in Düsseldorf with the Local Organising Committee, I feel very optimistic about Düsseldorf hosting the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 World University Games.

“The venue here in Düsseldorf is fantastic and offers many possibilities for the teams. I think any team participating in the event will be very happy with the venue and I think this is going to be a fantastic event,” said Sanford.

The Arena, with its retractable roof once transformed into a close hall, can deliver a unique ambiance for events and competitions. Having hosted high-profile events in the region, the Arena has a well-connected public transport network providing easy access for spectators.

With the FISU Technical team due to visit numerous venues over the next couple of weeks, Rhine-Ruhr 2025 CEO Stefan Kürten was confident that all the venue in five cities will meet the international requirements.

“With Merkur Spiel-Arena and the training venues meeting the expectations of FISU, it is already a good sign and I´m confident that our other venues will also meet the standards.

“We highly appreciate the inputs and recommendations that FISU team have given us during the visit. We would like to keep working together to ensure we put out best foot-forward to deliver a world-class event,” said Kürten.

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